Project: Cryptid #3


What lurks in the dark recesses of the Pacific Northwest? Bryce Ingman (the Ringo-nominated My Bad) brings us the Loveland Frogman, who is ready and willing to help when he can. Paul Constant (Snelson, Planet of the Nerds) brings us the Gumerboo, who is willing to help in a very different kind of way. Both stories are beautifully illustrated by Peter Krause (also My Bad). Featuring an incentive cover by Mattie Lubchansky (The Nib, Boys Weekend).

Collected Editions

Project: Cryptid


  • May 27, 2023 - 02:30 PM
    AHOY Comics’ Latest Anthology is the Hilariously Unbelievable PROJECT: CRYPTID Featuring Writing by Paul Cornell, Gene Ha, Bryce Ingman, Liana Kangas, Alisa Kwitney, Mark Russell, Alex Segura, and More Plus Art by Steve Bryant, Jamal Igle, Peter Krause, Mauricet, Richard Pace, Ted and Ro, and More... more