AHOY Wave Five: This Fall

Jul 20, 2020 - 01:00 PM

In Wave 5 of New Titles, AHOY Comics Introduces the Dystopian HAPPY HOUR and Revives Old Favorites SECOND COMING and WRONG EARTH


Meet The Brutal “Joy Police” in HAPPY HOUR, Watch Science and Religion Duke It Out in POE’S SNIFTER, and Lament The Limits of Human Evolution in PENULTIMAN - download a FREE sampler right here!


(July 20) AHOY Comics—the Syracuse-based independent publisher that pledged for readers to “expect more” from its line of comic book magazines and graphic novels—announced its fifth wave of new titles to be published this fall and winter. The jam-packed line-up builds on AHOY’s tendency to tackle serious topics with their signature off-kilter humor. Readers will recoil from the brutal “Joy Police” in the brand new dystopian work HAPPY HOUR from Peter Milligan and Michael Montenat; return to the world of SECOND COMING as Jesus and his roomie Sunstar deal with science denial and mass extinction; and pity PENULTIMAN, the highly anticipated superhero title by Tom Peyer and Alan Robinson that questions what exactly humanity is evolving towards. Rounding out the list is a second season of smash hit THE WRONG EARTH, where sunny Dragonflyman and his dark reflection Dragonfly finally meet face to face, and a fresh season of boozy literary parodies under an all-new name—EDGAR ALLAN POE'S SNIFTER OF BLOOD—which will now feature a different cover artist each month, starting with the legendary Jill Thompson.

“Police brutality! Science denial! The unshakeable feeling that we’ve slipped into a parallel world where up is down, right is wrong, and Dragonflyman is Dragonfly! These are the big, heady topics preoccupying people across the globe right now—so, of course, we felt it our duty to try to make a buck off them,” said editor-in-chief Tom Peyer. "If billionaires can get richer while civilization collapses, so can we!"

“All we wanted was to be funny, but we keep accidentally speaking to the deeper issues plaguing society,” added AHOY Comics Publisher Hart Seely. “Should we be less funny? Or should society be less full of plagues? You decide.”

AHOY’s Wave 5 titles can be sampled right now, in this free sampler. Solicits are as follows:



Ship date: 7 October 2020

Author(s): Tom Peyer 

Artist(s): Alan Robinson

Cover Artist(s): Alan Robinson, Jamal Igle

Back from the future—again! Penultiman, The Next-To-Last-Stage In Human Evolution, is the greatest, best-looking, and most admired super-hero in the world! So how can he stop hating himself? His android understudy, Antepenultiman, thinks he knows the answer! Created by Tom Peyer (THE WRONG EARTH) and Alan Robinson (PLANET OF THE NERDS). Featuring a variant cover by Jamal Igle (THE WRONG EARTH, Black). Resolicited from the Plague Times – all previous orders have been cancelled.



Ship Date: 21 October 2020

Authors: Paul Cornell, Dean Motter

Artists: Russ Braun, Dean Motter

Cover Artist: Jill Thompson

The SNIFTER OF TERROR returns with an all-star snark-fest under a bloody new title! Paul Cornell (Doctor Who) and Russell Braun (The Boys) reimagine Poe's "Black Cat"––as a dog! In "Atlas Shrugged" (no relation), Mr. X creator Dean Motter settles science vs. religion once and for all! Plus: prose, pix, and a cover by Scary Godmother's Jill Thompson!



Ship date: 4 November 2020

Author: Peter Milligan

Artist: Michael Montenat

Cover Artist: Michael Montenat

In future America, being happy isn’t just a right—it’s the law. While the Joy Police brutally enforce the cheery code, two young people go on the run, searching for a haven of melancholy where they can safely bask in the blues. 



Ship date: 16 December 2020

Author: Mark Russell

Artists: Richard Pace, Leonard Kirk

Cover artist: Richard Pace

The savior and the superhero return for a new round of shared adventures­­––but first we turn back time to witness the interplanetary origin of Sunstar! Warning: portrays science denial, mass extinction, and real estate sales!



Ship date: 6 January 2021

Author(s): Tom Peyer 

Artist(s): Jamal Igle, Juan Castro

Cover Artist(s): Jamal Igle

The stars of THE WRONG EARTH and DRAGONFLY & DRAGONFLYMAN return! Racing to prevent identical catastrophes that threaten the separate earths they inhabit, gritty Dragonfly and his campy doppelganger Dragonflyman follow the clues to a third earth, where they at last come face-to-face!

“At AHOY, we’ve either been lucky or smart lately, but both BILLIONAIRE ISLAND and ASH & THORN hit at just the right time,” said Stuart Moore, Ops. “HAPPY HOUR and PENULTIMAN are just as well suited to this moment in time. Who can’t relate to being locked up in a place where you have to pretend to be happy all the time? Or feeling like you’re a secret fraud, even when you have super-evolved mental powers?” As a reminder, PENULTIMAN #0, the very first installment in the PENULTIMAN saga from STEEL CAGE, is still available for free from Comixology.


For more updates on AHOY Comics, visit them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

For additional information and interview requests, contact:

David Hyde                                                      Hanna Bahedry

Superfan Promotions Founder                           Superfan Promotions Publicity Coordinator

david.hyde@superfanpromotions.com                hanna.bahedry@superfanpromotions.com 


About AHOY Comics

AHOY Comics debuted in the fall of 2018 with the bold promise for readers to expect more from its line of comic book magazines, featuring comic book stories, poetry, prose fiction, and cartoons. The independent, Syracuse-based company is the brainchild of publisher Hart Seely, an award-winning reporter whose humor and satire has appeared in The New York Times and on National Public Radio. AHOY’s editor-in-chief Tom Peyer is committed to publishing comics with a (dark) sense of humor with titles like the religious satires SECOND COMING and HIGH HEAVEN, the superhero parodies THE WRONG EARTH and HASHTAG: DANGER, the sci-fi spoof CAPTAIN GINGER, the time travel tales PLANET OF THE NERDS and BRONZE AGE BOOGIE, and the humor/horror anthology series EDGAR ALLAN POE’S SNIFTER OF BLOOD.


  • Jun 21, 2018 - 03:00 PM
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AHOY Comics Debuts This Fall With Comic Book Magazine Format Featuring THE WRONG EARTH by Tom Peyer and Jamal Igle HIGH HEAVEN by Tom Peyer and Greg Scott CAPTAIN GINGER by Stuart Moore and June Brigman And The All Star Anthology Series EDGAR ALLAN POE’S SNIFTER OF TERROR... more
